
New technologies bring new risks. We bring a unique approach to help our clients proactively prepare for these risks.


希望快速创新其运营的组织面临着一系列安全挑战. As they adopt more new technologies, applications and platforms to increase productivity and profitability, 他们也承担了更多的风险. 在当前的全球环境中,越来越复杂的犯罪组织的网络攻击不断升级, 一个一年一度, business-as-usual audit isn’t enough to keep pace with new technology risks. 另外, while many organizations are moving to the cloud as part of their innovation efforts, they may not fully understand where their information is located, who has access to it or how it is protected.

通过与具有适当经验和专业知识的IT风险服务合作伙伴合作,您的组织的安全负责人可以得到最好的服务, including proven performance reducing costs while increasing efficiencies. 你理想的合作伙伴也将作为组织团队的延伸,并在整体需求发生时提供指导.

RSM understands the complex challenges you face. 我们提供全球咨询公司的力量,以个性化的咨询方法为客户提供服务. 我们的整体, right-sized IT风险解决方案 combine risk mitigation, 运营效率, 风险监控, 治理和遵从性, providing you with the support and tools to:

  • Identify IT risks internally and externally
  • Build a long-term plan to monitor and mitigate your IT risks
  • Evaluate and measure your IT risks
  • Develop a technology-risk governance structure that aligns your board of directors, senior management and all three lines of protection
  • 使用针对各种法规的公共控制库,最大限度地减少审计疲劳,并提高效率

Our advisory team has the in-depth global experience, 技术技能和行业知识需要真正理解是什么让你的业务独特. 另外, 我们的许多专家在解决各行各业的IT风险问题方面拥有丰富的经验. We’ll advise you on changing regulations to keep your organization in compliance, 帮助您预测行政领导的需求,并随时了解新出现或不断发展的网络安全威胁,如勒索软件.

Organizations benefit from our specialized experience in:

Companies are rapidly moving to the cloud. But they may not anticipate the full level of risk involved. 我们将为您提供风险管理解决方案方面的建议,以优化向云的过渡,或者验证您当前的云配置是否得到了正确的保护.


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